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Want to support loopi?

We are incredibly grateful for your support, every amount helps!

Our account information:
Loopi AG, 6052 Hergiswil
IBAN: CH92 8080 8007 2901 0270 6

Brilliant, you want to support us as a loud speaker!

Almost there! Only a few questions we’re dying to know the answer to. This info will help us figure out who’s interested in us so we can market to the right people. We’re curious, and we won’t use it in any other way.

Welcome to the loopi community!

We’re happy to have you on-board!

Willkommen in der loopi-Community!

Wir freuen uns, dich mit an Bord zu haben.


More than 100 people want to bring loopi to life.

Be one of them by signing up for our newsletter and help us get one step closer to our goal.

Thanks for supporting loopi!