Which stroller should you buy?
The salesperson sells you the "perfect" stroller, and you fall in love with your choice.
Once you start using it you realise it's too bulky for public transportation...
...and it's not suitable for your active lifestyle.
Spare parts are super expensive.
Children grow and their needs change, as will the requirements for the stroller.
The stroller that was "perfect" has become a bad and expensive investment.
That's why 25% of parents own more than three strollers.
About 90'000 strollers end up in the trash in Switzerland every year. That's too much!

These problems are design flaws

Most people buy their stroller at a time when they don’t yet know what features they actually need. Needs change over time – and so will the requirements for their stroller.

Loopi plans to change that by building an environmentally responsible and modular stroller. By offering our strollers as a subscription, modules can be exchanged to suit various needs, and best of all – it‘s given back to us at the end of use so we can give it a new life with another family. Find out how it works!

Do you think the world is too precious for this kind of waste?

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